We're not your standard fundraising platform. HelpLink goes beyond traditional fundraising by facilitating the delivery of tangible goods and services directly to your community.
All of your organization needs in one place to make helping easier and faster
No risk start! Pay as you go with our flex membership with no out-of-pocket cost
Impact reports that show needs met, amount given, demographics, and more
Receive round-up donations every time someone gives to one of your partnered needs
Safely and securely ask for help within the organization or publicly
Quickly donate to the organization, members, and partner organizations all in one place
User-friendly platform that makes asking for and receiving help easy for all
Make your community needs available to businesses looking to support causes just like yours
Sign up and create custom approval settings to automatically sponsor needs which serve your mission from locals outside your organization
Post needs on behalf of others, or empower them to post their own needs using your organization's unique URL
Your community may donate cash towards purchasing the good or service, or in some cases may donate the specific item in-kind
Choose to have the items delivered to your nonprofit or directly to the recipient and partner with other organizations to serve as dropoff points for in-kind donations
Once the need is met, a thank-you message is posted with a picture of the item and sent to all the donors for that need, encouraging them to donate again
HelpLink offers a way for verified nonprofits to get started making an impact in your community at no up-front cost.
When your nonprofit sponsors needs in your community, your account balance will grow from multiple sources, such as when donors round up at checkout.
HelpLink will apply your balance up to the current Flex Membership price of $75 per month. Any balance you accumulate beyond that each month is your nonprofit's to spend on any need in the HelpLink platform, including your organization's needs.
If you don't generate enough balance in a given month to meet the $75 monthly membership price, you will not be charged the difference.
HelpLink partners with local nonprofits to sponsor and meet real needs. If you need more information, contact us to sign up for a webinar where we will walk you through the system and get your questions answered.
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